Garrett Wang Goodness

Upon perusing “25 Awful Star Trek Tattoos,” I was reminded of how in 1997 Garrett Wang (Ensign Harry Kim from TV’s Star Trek Voyager) was named one of People’s 50 Most Beautiful People .

"Chinaman, you look like Garrett Wang!"

Which is ridiculous. Not that I don’t think Harry Kim is hot–I assure you, I don’t–but People’s 50 Most Beautiful People is ridiculous. For many reasons. Mainly because Sheeple is a trashy magazine that trades in bad taste so whatever list they come up with that has to do with aesthetics is guaranteed to suck.

Put it this way: to sell more magazines to more people they have to appeal to the lowest common denominator. Harry Kim’s looks are like his performances on Trek. Wooden and inoffensive, completely lacking personality. Which, is likely to appeal to a broader audience.

(Regarding Wang’s performance as the lowest ranking Starfleet officer with the longest C.V.–If the old convention rumor is true, that Trek producers told the actors portraying humans to tone it down so that their alien-playing co-stars could pop, then that’s sad and I shouldn’t joke about Wang’s ability to non-act.

Ahem. So, what reminded me of the People list was this tattoo of Harry Kim:

"Captain Waneway, can I go to sickway? My wip hurts."

Did Garrett Wang pose for that tattoo after ten years of hardcore meth use and beatdown by his pimp? What the fuck.

Actually, I’m not convinced that is Harry Kim. Maybe it’s Kim and Sulu’s love child? I’m stumped.

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