The Sound of Toilets

Ever since it’s original theatrical release there have been rumors of a deleted scene that would’ve changed the entire tone of ‘The Sound of Music.’ Apparently, the debate whether to include this scene was so heated studio execs went behind Julie Andrews’ back and called in Miss Piggy to test for the role. Thankfully, Miss Piggy took too many Quaaludes that morning so Andrews got to keep her star-turning role.

Here, shown for the first time ever, is that very deleted scene from ‘The Sound of Music!’

The truth is, my father had this idea when I was a little kid, way back in 1988 (give or take a year.) I came home from school one day and found him tinkering with the VCR.

“Imagine if we hear a toilet flushing?” he said, tinkering with the machine. “Right when Julie Andrews goes to see the old bag at the convent.”

Cockeyed, his tongue hanging over his bottom lip, he raised his mini screwdriver to perform surgery on my sister’s ‘The Sound of Music’ cassette tape.

She protested, out of a rational fear that her worn down copy would be irreparable once my father finished with it. And it was.

Today, though, with the technology of a MacBook Pro at my fingertips I’ve made my father’s dream come true.

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3 thoughts on “The Sound of Toilets

  1. what about this second sentence?

  2. Shady McGrady says:

    What’s that?

  3. Marty F says:

    Now THAT was funny, especially if you see the look on Julies face knowing whats shes walking into!!

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